CUcontent Subscription Membership Web Site

CUcontent offers a subscription service that provides content for the financial industry. The site has more than 3000 custom articles, video, infographics and social media images that help Credit Union marketing departments connect with their members.
A key part of this redesign was to provide an easier to use layout for CUcontent subscribers. Over the years, articles were input inconsistently causing layout issues and confusion for their users. The new site utilized a custom UI programmed over the existing WordPress article input with each piece of information entered into discreet fields. This eliminated input errors and allowed us to manipulate each element for an easy to read display on the front end.
As an additional feature, we provided a Facebook app that allowed users to do a true one-click post to their company’s Facebook page without a link back to the CUcontent page. Also included was the ability for users to check a box to have their credit union logo automatically added to the article image before posting on Facebook.
Users loved the new navigation, enhanced real-time search filtering and bookmark management provided by the new site.